Venerable Gajang Gazi Rinpoche became a monk in 1983 and two years later he was recognized as the third reincarnation of his predecessor. He received teachings from the most important Tibetan masters such as His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dhamalochö Rinpoche, Panglang Rinpoche, Gadhen Tsenshao Rinpoche, Nyima Gyaltsen Rinpoche. In year 2000, after having completed his studies in the three major Tibetan monasteries, he obtained the title of Ghesce Lharampa. In 2001 he also accomplished the tantric course of study at Gyume monastery, thus becoming one of the most learned and respected masters of Tibet. In 2003 he started travelling to many Asiatic and Western countries, among which also Italy. His compassion and wisdom have attracted a great number of disciples from all over the world; Ven Gazi Rinpoche is committed to help people develop peace and well being through a spiritual growth, thanks to the timeless wisdom of Buddhism.